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Motorcycle Helmets

Motorcycle Helmets Articles from Freedom Cycles

There’s no more important piece of safety equipment for any motorcycle rider than a correctly fitted helmet. But finding the right helmet isn’t always as easy as we’d like. From motocross to touring to cruising, virtually every style of riding has a helmet best suited for its needs. On top of that, there are many styles and designs on the market, and it’s not always apparent which ones will offer enough protection but still look good. This brief guide is designed to show you some of the options available to you before you hit the market so that you can find the perfect helmet for your needs.

Freedom Cycles is the home for all your motorcycle needs. We’re located near Kansas City, Missouri, in Grandview, and we proudly serve the areas of Independence, Overland Park, and Lee’s Summit, Missouri.

Half Helmet

The half helmet makes a pretty obvious tradeoff: style and comfort for protection. Many riders who like the chromed-out, bad boy look of big, air-cooled cruisers enjoy the open feeling of a half helmet. Unfortunately, this is more than just an aesthetic choice, as half helmets provide the least protection of any type of purpose-built motorcycle helmet. Half helmets obviously don’t cover any of your face or jawline, which means you will be in serious trouble if you get in a wreck. It also means your helmet has to fit absolutely perfectly, as a loose helmet can roll out of position and expose the part of the head it’s meant to protect. Very skilled riders might prefer this type of helmet, but it’s certainly not the choice for novices.

Open Face Helmet

An open face helmet offers the next step up in protection. An open face helmet generally covers the ears and extends down to cover the jaw in part. This extra bit of protection helps to reduce the damage caused by lateral impact, and it all helps the helmet to stay in place during accidents. If you find a full-face helmet to be claustrophobic, this can be a good option. Some open face helmets feature a visor around the top of the helmet that helps to shield the eyes from wind or rain, but a pair of goggles or at least sunglasses is indispensable for keeping road debris, bugs, and dust out of your eyes while riding.

Full-Face Helmet

Full-face helmets cover the entire head. Not only do these helmets protect a larger surface area, but they are also often denser and more protective in the areas that they cover than other types of helmet. Full face helmets generally feature a front face shield to protect the eyes with seamless protection that keeps out dirt and rain. For commuters in wetter climates or people going on long touring trips, having complete facial protection from the elements is a very nice feature. The drawbacks of full-face helmets are that they are generally heavier and less breathable. They can get extremely stuffy in hot weather environments, but if you value your safety, it’s a worthwhile tradeoff.

Modular Helmet

If you’re looking for a helmet with more flexibility, choose a modular helmet. A modular helmet is really more of an approach to a helmet more than a specific design. This can include helmets that hinge open for easier access, helmets with removable face guards or helmets with face guards that lift up and then slide into place when you need them. Sometimes these features reduce the overall safety of the helmet, but when you find a well-built version, the combination of convenience and protection is hard to argue.

Stop by Freedom Cycles for your motorcycle needs. We’re located near Kansas City, Missouri, in Grandview, and we proudly serve the areas of Independence, Overland Park, and Lee’s Summit, Missouri.