A Comparison of the Best Motorcycle Brands You Can Find at Freedom Cycles

Embarking on the journey of purchasing a motorcycle is a thrill that can’t be matched. However, with so many brands to choose from, finding the perfect motorcycle for sale can be a challenge.

How can you determine what the best motorcycle brand is for you? And which Kansas City motorcycle dealer offers the best prices on two-wheeled vehicles?

When evaluating motorcycles for sale, it’s important to remember that each brand brings its own unique style, performance, and heritage to the table. After exploring six of the most renowned motorcycle brands in no particular order, check them out in person at a motorcycle shop near you.


As one of Japan’s leading exports, Honda motorcycles embody a legacy of innovation, reliability, and versatility that has solidified the brand's prominence in the motorcycle world. With a diverse range of offerings, Honda caters to riders of all experience levels, preferences, and ages. From sport bikes to efficient and practical commuter bikes, Honda's commitment to cutting-edge technology and performance is evident across its lineup.

Whether navigating urban landscapes or embracing the thrill of the open road, Honda remains a trusted choice for riders seeking a harmonious blend of versatility, quality, and advanced features in their motorcycles. Those searching for a Honda motorcycle for sale will find plenty of options on our showroom floor at Freedom Cycles.


Kawasaki motorcycles represent a dynamic fusion of power, performance, and striking design, making them a prominent force in the motorcycling realm. Renowned for their aggressive styling and cutting-edge engineering, Kawasaki offers a diverse lineup that spans sport bikes, cruisers, and touring motorcycles. The brand's commitment to high-performance engines combined with their penchant for pushing the limits is what sets Kawasaki apart from the rest of the pack. 

From the iconic Ninja series of sport bikes to the versatile options in the cruiser and touring categories, Kawasaki appeals to thrill seekers and casual riders alike. Kawasaki motorcycles for sale showcase some of the very best innovations the industry has ever seen.   


It’s hard to believe that one of the best motorcycle brands got their start building weaving looms for the silk industry. Since pivoting to two-wheeled vehicle production in 1952, Suzuki has consistently earned its reputation of developing motorcycles that prioritize affordability, performance, and reliability. 

With a deep background in both racing and street motorcycles, Suzuki has made its mark by creating some of the very best sport and adventure bikes money can buy. Suzuki motorcycles strike a balance between practicality and high-octane performance, making them appealing to experienced riders and newcomers alike.


Yamaha motorcycles stand as a testament to the brand's commitment to pushing boundaries and delivering thrilling riding experiences. With a rich history steeped in racing success and engineering innovation, Yamaha has consistently produced a diverse range of motorcycles that cater to a broad spectrum of riders, cementing their reputation as one of the best motorcycle brands in the world.  

Known for their high-performance engines, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to versatility, Yamaha produces off-road bikes, cruisers, sport bikes, and touring models. Yamaha's dedication to innovation has left an indelible mark on the motorcycling world, making their bikes a sought-after choice for riders who crave both excitement and reliability on two wheels. Find Yamaha vehicles at your local Kansas City motorcycle dealer.


Harley-Davidson is one of the few motorcycle brands that is a household name among riding enthusiasts and novices alike. They are a true American icon in the motorcycle industry, epitomizing the spirit of freedom for over a century. 

Renowned for their distinctive V-twin engines, timeless cruiser designs, and that unmistakable rumble, Harley-Davidson motorcycles are synonymous with a lifestyle that celebrates individuality. From the powerful touring bikes designed for long-haul journeys to classic, stripped-down cruisers, Harley-Davidson’s offering of vehicles showcases why they are considered one of the best motorcycle brands in the industry. 


Established in 1983, Triumph motorcycles illustrate the best in British craftsmanship and design, blending classic elegance with modern innovations. Renowned for their iconic styling and distinctive character, Triumph bikes are synonymous with a cross-cultural and timeless riding experience. 

Embracing a commitment to quality and precision engineering, Triumph motorcycles boast powerful engines, cutting-edge technology, and a unique blend of retro aesthetics and contemporary features. The legendary Bonneville series pays homage to the brand's historic roots, while high-performance models like the Speed Triple and Tiger set the tone for where the brand is going. Check with your local Kansas City motorcycle dealer to learn more about this iconic British import. 

Find the Perfect Motorcycle for Sale at Freedom Cycles

Identifying the best motorcycle brand means considering your riding preferences, style, and the type of experience you seek on the road. Whether you're drawn to the iconic cruisers of Harley-Davidson, the versatile options from Honda, the sporty designs of Yamaha and Kawasaki, or the classic elegance of Triumph, each brand offers a unique flavor to the world of two-wheelers.

The good news is that you don’t have to decide based on how these motorcycles for sale look on paper. You can explore and test ride our used motorcycles at Freedom Cycles to find the brand that resonates with your personal riding style. 

Call us at (816) 441-4460 to ask a question or to make a personal shopping appointment. You can also send us an email using the contact form on our website.